
Aaron Hyman’s 2022 book on this artist discusses how transatlantic spread of Lucas Vorsterman’s engravings of one of his paintings led it to be reproduced in churches across the Andes. Delacroix (“deh-lah-KWAH”), Veronese (“vair-oh-NAY-zay”), and this painter were the primary models for Cézanne (“say-ZAHN”), according to a monograph by Roger Fry. In his Dialogue on Colors, Roger de Piles (“ro-zhay duh peel”) championed the painterly (-5[1])colorist technique of this artist and ranked him the second-greatest painter after Raphael. A characteristic style of this artist is interpreted as a form of Christian praise in Kenneth Clark’s The Nude, which calls him and Titian (“TISH-in”) “the two supreme masters of Natural Venus.” Feminist readings of this artist make note of the virgin and wife archetypes present in a 24-painting series (10[1])of a (10[2])female (10[1])ruler (10[4])for (10[1])the (10[4])Luxembourg (10[3])Palace. For 10 points, (10[1])name this Flemish painter whose Marie de’ (10[1])Medici (“MEH-dee-chee”) cycle includes examples of his trademark fleshy (10[1])women. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Peter Paul Rubens
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