
The speaker of this poem declares, “Virgins have written some resplendent books” while trying to convince himself that a girl “may not be a beauty, but she’s cute.” (10[1])A dialogue between this poem’s speaker and his wife about the sound of the wind as they play chess is followed by (10[1])a Goethe reference in the line, “Who rides so late in the night and the wind? (10[1])/ It is the writer’s grief.” The speaker of this poem is raised by his Aunt Maud and falls in love with his future wife (10[1])on a high school field trip. After being abandoned on a blind date arranged by the typist Jane Dean, (10[1])the daughter (10[1])of this poem’s speaker drowns (10[1])in an icy (10[2])lake (10[1])in (10[1])a possible suicide. This poem was written in New Wye on 80 index cards and begins, (10[1])“I (10[1])was the shadow (10[1])of the (10[1])waxwing slain.” (10[3])For 10 (10[1])points, the fictional scholar Charles Kinbote (10[2])wrote a commentary (10[1])on what 999-line poem by John Shade that titles a novel by Vladimir Nabokov? ■END■

ANSWER: Pale Fire
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