
A symptom of this condition can be elicited by extending your hand for a handshake, but telling the subject to not shake your hand. Ambitendency, negativism, and twenty-one other symptoms of this condition are scored in the Bush–Francis scale. ECT is first-line treatment for this condition’s malignant form, which is differentiated from serotonin syndrome or neuroleptic-malignant syndrome by the presence of spastic or lead-pipe rigidity, respectively. The Lazarus effect is a dramatic improvement in this condition upon challenge with lorazepam. A patient's limbs hanging in the air after being moved into position is a characteristic finding of this condition (10[1])called waxy flexibility. (10[1])Patients with this condition tend to be mute and do not respond to external stimuli. For 10 points, name this condition characterized by abnormal movements and withdrawal that once named a subtype of schizophrenia. ■END■

ANSWER: catatonia [or catatonic state; prompt on schizophrenia until read by asking “What condition associated with schizophrenia?”; prompt on psychosis]
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