A character from this family loves “some concept of” this family’s honor “precariously and temporarily supported by [a] minute fragile membrane.” When a boy asks a girl from this family, “did you love them … did you love them,” she responds, “When they touched me I died.” A character from this family is told to hold his hand to his sister’s throat and repeat her former lover’s name. An appendix on this family’s servants ends with the phrase “They endured.” A boy in this family thinks variations of the phrase “Father I have committed,” while reflecting on his false confession that he impregnated his sister, who was actually impregnated by Dalton Ames. Shreve is the roommate of a member of this family who drowns himself in the Charles River. For 10 points, name this fictional family that includes Jason, Benjy, Quentin, and Caddy, who are the center of The Sound and the Fury. ■END■
ANSWER: Compson family [accept Caddy Compson or Candace Compson; accept Quentin Compson; accept Benjy Compson or Benjamin Compson; accept Jason Compson]
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