
An antibiotic from this class is the first-line therapy for a number of zoonotic (“zoh-uh-NOT-ick”) diseases, including Lyme disease, plague, and Q fever. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this class of bacteriostatic antibiotics. Like aminoglycosides, these drugs bind the 30S (“thirty-S”) ribosomal subunit to inhibit charged tRNAs from entering the A site, halting translation.
ANSWER: tetracyclines (“teh-truh-CY-cleens”) [or tetracycline antibiotics; prompt on doxycycline]
[10e] Tetracycline resistance underlies Tet-On and Tet-Off, paradigms that use tetracycline transactivators and response elements to control this process. Promoters in DNA recruit RNAPII (“R-N-A-P-two”) to initiate this process.
ANSWER: transcription [accept gene expression; accept tetracycline-controlled transcriptional activation]
[10h] Tet transactivators for transcriptional control generate less of this side effect than transactivators like VP16. This effect occurs when strong expression of a transactivator inhibits the expression of other genes.
ANSWER: squelching [or transcriptional squelching; or word forms of squelch]

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TeamOpponentPart 1Part 2Part 3Total
Chicago AMinnesota A010010
Chicago BIowa State A010010
Cornell AImperial A1010020
Georgia Tech AIllinois A010010
Northwestern AClaremont A1010020
Ohio State ATexas A1010020
South Carolina AFlorida A010010