
Parmeniscus of Metapontum lost the ability to perform this action after visiting the oracle of Trophonius. For 10 points each:
[10h] The crone Baubo was associated with what action, which the Tirynthians (“teer-IN-thee-ins”) did to a detrimental degree? According to Antoninus, Demeter transformed Ascalabus (“as-CAL-uh-bus”) into a gecko for performing this action.
ANSWER: laughing [or laughter; accept laughing at her or laughing at Demeter; prompt on joking, telling jokes, jesting, smiling, or smiles]
[10m] Parmeniscus was cured of his inability to laugh when he saw an ill-shaped piece of wood purported to be a statue of this goddess. This goddess transformed some Lycian peasants into frogs for denying her access to a fountain.
ANSWER: Leto [or Latona]
[10e] Chrysippus (“cry-SIP-us”) of Soli supposedly died of laughter while watching one of these animals eating figs. Lucius transforms into one of these animals in a Roman novel by Apuleius (“uh-POO-lee-us”).
ANSWER: donkeys [or asses; accept The Golden Ass or Asinus aureus; prompt on equines or equids; reject “mules”]

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TeamOpponentPart 1Part 2Part 3Total
Chicago BCornell A0101020
Columbia BToronto A001010
Florida BMichigan A001010
Georgia Tech AChicago C001010
Georgia Tech BBrown A001010
Harvard AHouston A001010
Illinois ADuke A001010
Maryland APenn A001010
McGill ARutgers B001010
Minnesota ARutgers A001010
Minnesota BClaremont A001010
North Carolina AVirginia A001010
Northwestern ACornell B001010
Ohio State AWUSTL B001010
Penn State AMIT A001010
Stanford ANYU A001010
Texas AUC Berkeley B0101020
UC Berkeley AIowa State A001010
Vanderbilt AChicago A001010
WUSTL APurdue A10101030
Yale AColumbia A001010
Yale BIndiana A001010