Victor Vescovo recounted eating a tuna sandwich and observing candy wrappers in this location in a 2019 solo dive as part of the Five Deeps Expedition. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this Pacific Ocean trench whose Challenger Deep has the lowest known seafloor depth.
ANSWER: Mariana Trench [or Marianas Trench]
[10h] An oceanographer from this family and Don Walsh crewed the Trieste in the first manned trip to reach Challenger Deep. This family of Swiss balloonists includes Bertrand, who achieved the first balloon circumnavigation in 1999 with Brian Jones.
ANSWER: Piccard family [accept Jacques Piccard, Jean Piccard, Auguste Piccard, or Bertrand Piccard] (The Star Trek character Jean-Luc Picard was named for them.)
[10m] This living fossil has a long snout called a rostrum that senses electrical currents from fish in the Mariana Trench. Japanese fishermen assigned a mythical name to this pinkish shark with an extendable jaw.
ANSWER: goblin shark [or vampire shark; or Mitsukurina owstoni; accept Mitsukurina]
Team | Opponent | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Total |
Penn A | WUSTL B | 10 | 10 | 0 | 20 |