Answer the following about GameCube controller circuitry, for 10 points each.
[10m] These circuit components’ degradation can reduce stick snapback, which is beneficial because it reduces the chance of an incorrect input in Smash Bros. Melee. One of these circuit components with a log taper is usually marked with an ‘A,’ while ‘B’ indicates a linear taper.
ANSWER: potentiometers (“poh-TEN-shee-AH-meh-turz”) [or pots; accept variable resistors, rheostats, trimpots, turnpots, slide pots, or thumb pots; reject “resistors”]
[10e] When the potentiometer is working, soldering on one of these circuit components reduces snapback. A type of these components is made out of parallel conducting plates.
ANSWER: capacitors [prompt on C]
[10h] Non-contact sensors based on this effect are used as tachometers and also replace potentiometers in the PhobGCC ("fob-G-C-C") controller. In other devices named for this effect, electrons moving around a magnet ionize inert gas propellant at the anode.
ANSWER: Hall effect [or ordinary Hall effect; accept Hall effect sensors or Hall sensors; accept Hall thrusters or Hall effect thrusters; reject “quantum Hall effect” or “integer quantum Hall effect” or “fractional quantum Hall effect”]