
This book argues that the true poem is “a simulacrum of reality” in a chapter criticizing the “heresy of paraphrase.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this book of literary criticism that takes its title from John Donne’s “The Canonization.” This Cleanth (“KLEE-anth”) Brooks book opposes historicist literary criticism.
ANSWER: The Well Wrought Urn [or The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry]
[10e] Brooks’s analysis of “The Canonization” quotes this author’s idea about poets submitting “to the fires of irony.” This author created the politician Willie Stark in All the King’s Men.
ANSWER: Robert Penn Warren
[10h] The Well Wrought Urn revisits several ideas from Brooks’s book titled for “Modern Poetry” and this concept. The poet’s mind is compared to platinum in a chemical reaction in an essay that relates this title concept to the artist’s “continual surrender of himself.”
ANSWER: tradition [“Tradition and the Individual Talent”; accept Modern Poetry and the Tradition] (T.S. Eliot wrote “Tradition and the Individual Talent.”)

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