In 2014, Danish filmmaker Lasse Spang Olsen recorded this ritual and underwent it himself, while Ruben Enaje (“eh-NAH-hay”) has undergone this action 33 times after he survived falling from a billboard. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this action that magdarames (“mahg-dah-RAH-mezz”) willingly undergo during the San Pedro Cutud Lenten rites in Pampanga, Luzon, though church officials like Archbishop Socrates Villegas (“SOH-cra-tess VEE-yay-gass”) have condemned it.
ANSWER: ritual crucifixion [or being crucified; prompt on, BUT DO NOT REVEAL, mortification of the flesh or self-mortification or penitence]
[10e] Philippine ritual crucifixion is a particularly extreme form of this devotional practice, in which the faithful inflict suffering upon themselves in penance. This practice may include the wearing of sackcloth or self-flagellation.
ANSWER: mortification of the flesh [prompt on penitence]
[10m] Some participants in ritual crucifixion claim to be possessed by a version of Jesus known as the “Nazarene” with this quality. Our Lady of the Hermits is among the hundreds of devotional images of the Madonna with this quality.
ANSWER: black skin [accept being dark skinned or equivalents; accept Black Madonna; accept Black Nazarene or El Nazareno Negro]
Team | Opponent | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Total |
Yale B | WUSTL B | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 |