Answer the following about the strange career of Walter Manny, an English sellsword who founded the London Charterhouse, for 10 points each.
[10e] Manny was an admiral during this duchy’s “War of Succession” between John of Montfort and Charles of Blois (“BWAH”). This duchy was found on France’s northwestern peninsula.
ANSWER: Duchy of Brittany [or Duché de Bretagne; or Dugelezh Breizh]
[10m] This man, who was perhaps Philippa of Hainault’s (“ay-NO’s”) court poet, most likely exaggerated his friend Manny’s exploits in his 14th-century history that covers most of the Hundred Years’ War.
ANSWER: Jean Froissart [accept Froissart’s Chronicles or Froissart’s Chroniques]
[10h] Manny was both ally and enemy of this woman, who became a privateer after her husband, Olivier (“oh-liv-YAY”), was executed by the French court. This so-called “Lioness of Brittany” often left a single sailor alive so he could carry a decapitated head back to the court as a message.
ANSWER: Jeanne de Clisson [or Jeanne Louise de Belleville, de Clisson, Dame de Montaigu; prompt on Jeanne Louise]
Team | Opponent | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Total |
Chicago A | Georgia Tech A | 10 | 10 | 0 | 20 |