Before becoming a caste-critical traveling poet and then a royal treasurer, this man literally cut ties with his Brahmin family by cutting his kautuka thread. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this 12th-century bhakti leader who was a master of the vachana form in the Kannada language. This man called Shiva “lord of the meeting of rivers” after his epiphanic experience at the junction of the Krishna and Malaprabha rivers.
ANSWER: Basava [or Basaveshwara or Basavanna]
[10e] Modern followers of Basava wear pouches containing these devotional objects around their necks. These phallus-shaped objects symbolize Shiva.
ANSWER: lingam [accept Lingayats]
[10m] Images of Basava found around Karnāṭaka depict him with a bindi and parallel tilak forehead markings arranged in this way, as is typical for followers of Shiva. Please give the number of lines and their orientation.
ANSWER: three horizontal lines [accept sideways in place of “horizontal”; accept 3 in place of “three”]
Team | Opponent | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Total |
Chicago A | Georgia Tech A | 0 | 10 | 10 | 20 |