
Ignatius of Loyola emits beams of light that strike allegorical figures of the four continents in an Andreas Pozzo fresco painted on one of these features. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name these building features where Corregio painted his Assumption of the Virgin. Mannerist painters used trompe l’oeil (“tromp LOY”) techniques to make these features appear higher.
ANSWER: ceilings [or vaults; accept ceiling painting]
[10h] Two answers required. Andrea Pozzo’s ceiling paintings for Sant’Ignazio exemplify both of these styles of illusionistic ceiling painting. One of these styles has an Italian name meaning “from below upward” while the other is distinguished by ornate architectural elements. Name both.
ANSWER: di sotto in sù AND quadratura [accept answers in either order]
[10m] This Venetian artist included figures representing the four continents in his quadratura ceiling frescoes for Bavaria’s Würzburg Residence.
ANSWER: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo [or Giambattista Tiepolo]

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